Giới Thiệu · SafetyApps
Forwood SafetyApps:
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Forwood SafetyApps is a cloud enabled, serverless computing platform, designed to provide our clients with a range of enterprise grade, ready to use safety solutions. Forwood operates and provides this platform as a service to fast track development of client specific SafetyApps.
Forwood SafetyApps is low cost and easily scalable to thousands of users. It gives business users the access to deploy powerful safety applications across the site or enterprise. Our templates are using a straightforward user-friendly interface, it supports business workflows and features real-time dashboards. The platform has been specifically designed to simplify the work collaboration between Managers, Supervisors and their teams.
Please reach out to Forwood using our website to register your interest
Forwood is a group of passionate, values driven professionals. It is the Forwood dream to eradicate fatalities from the workplace and make these unacceptable events a safety statistic of the past. We have created a robust Critical Risk Management system that will change the way safety is managed in every industry. Our CRM has been implemented in some of the largest high-risk operations in the world and together with the people who work in these locations it has delivered profound results.
The Forwood SafetyApps platform has been developed as a complimentary solution to our Critical Risk Management program to automate safety processes and provide flexible, mobile solutions to the workforce.
Examples of SafetyApps used by our clients:
Record safety assessments and pre-starts (Take5, Safety Interactions)
Perform in-field observations (Peer reviews, Job Observations)
Event reporting (Near-miss or Incident reporting)
Action plans to manage non-conformances and hazards.
General Features:
Easy to use
App User Interface available on Desktop and Mobile
Dashboard reporting of key metrics.