Tải xuống Fitify 1.1
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Xem thêm các liên kết tải xuống khác dưới đây.
Miễn phí · 4,2 ★ 50.000+
Integrate Microsoft Outlook 2010 contacts with tasks and calendar items.
Dùng thử miễn phí · 4,2 ★ 50.000+
Provide a complete HMS with unlimited beds, wards, patients round visits, treatment record keeping system.
Trả phí · 4,2 ★ 50.000+
Print photo id card, name badge, visitor pass, security badges
Manage documents, make scan copy of documents, track application and file management.
Create and manage customer calls.
Organize schedules, appointments, contacts and create proper to-do lists.
Boost your sales and improve your productivity.
Manage customer information, backup/restore database, and encrypt your data.