Magento 2 Shipping Per Product

1.0 · Webware - Bởi

· 26/11/2017 23:15 (6 năm trước)

Giới Thiệu · Magento 2 Shipping Per Product

Magento 2 Shipping Per Product provides you the facility to charge individual Flat Shipping Rate for each product. Moreover, it allows you to set the default rate to charge when individual shipping per product is not specified.

Benefits of using Meetanshi's Magento 2 Shipping Per Product Extension: 1. Set individual Flat Rate Shipping charges for each store product. The shipping expense incurred to the store may vary from item to item. The extension will be useful to handle this situation. 2. Option to specify Default Shipping Rate to apply when the individual product is not assigned any Individual Shipping Charge. To apply a general minimal charge of shipping for regular products you don't need to specify it exclusively. Just set a Default Shipping Rate for those type of products. 3. Option to set Custom Title and Shipping Method Name for displaying this shipping method in the Frontend. This option lets your customers take the facilities about the different shipping method for which they are charged. For example shipping per product. 4. Select Allowed Countries to enable Shipping Per Product for. Select the list of Countries you want to allow to offer Shipping Per Product. 5. Set a Default Error Message for the unavailability of this Shipping Method to the users. If you are unable to provide Shipping Per Product to users and you don't want to be rude in denying it, just set a polite error message using this feature.

Full Specifications · Google Chrome Zing MP3

Phiên bản 1.0
Cập nhật 26/11/2017 (6 năm trước)
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