Doctor Booking Script

1.0.2 · Webware - Bởi i-Net Solution

· 23/05/2016 01:12 (8 năm trước)

Giới Thiệu · Doctor Booking Script

Doctor Booking Script is a flexible solution for booking advance appointments for doctors, therapists and consultants. It has a responsive layout so it can be conveniently used on smart phones, tablets and other such small devices. The default design was created with doctors in mind, but the fresh as well as clear code makes it completely customizable for other professions.

Our user friendly Practo Clone supports multicity and advanced search options amongst unlimited categories and doctor's specialization. It consists of the review option so that the patients can check and post the reviews and book their appointments accordingly. The doctors and private clinics can register themselves on the website and get connected to patients anywhere across the globe. Zocdoc Clone helps to fetch your return of investment from the doctor's membership fee, premium listings, newsletters and banner ads. The site admin can manage the listing of doctors and get reports about the ongoing activities of the site.

Full Specifications · Google Chrome Zing MP3

Phiên bản 1.0.2
Cập nhật 23/05/2016 (8 năm trước)
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