Giới Thiệu · AC3D
Create amazing 3D graphics with this popular and easy-to-use design software now available for Mac OS X. AC3D is used to create 3D models for games; virtual-reality/simulation software; scientific, medical, and general data visualizations; high-resolution 3D renderings and rapid prototyping of 3D designs.Features include a simple click-and-drag user interface; Texture co-ordinate editor (UV Mapper); unlimited polygon and line editing down to the vertex level; subdivision surface modeling; Boolean operations; and a TrueType font 2D and 3D text generator. The software supports many 3D file formats including POV-Ray, VRML, RenderMan, 3D Studio, Lightwave, DXF, STL, OBJ, DirectX, Milkshape, MD2, Quake BSP, Unreal Tournament T3D, and more.