Giới Thiệu · GPS2CAD
GPS2CAD allows you to connect your hand held Garmin or Magellan Global Positioning System (GPS) unit to your computer, download your waypoints, and plot them in AutoCAD or export them in .DXF so they can be used in your favorite CAD program. The primary benefit of GPS2CAD is a significant reduction of job costs because it lets you use an affordable GPS unit instead of producing an extremely expensive and overly-accurate site survey. Coordinate translation (transformation, projection) is performed to many worldwide datums, including NAD 27, NAD 83, and State Plane Coordinates (SPCS).
Also plots the points on free public domain Aerial photos and topo-maps. Works on most Garmin and Magellan GPS units and AutoCAD 14 through 2004. Converts to most popular datums. Exports to text files, .DXF files, and Access 2000 database. GPS2CAD also provides real-time capture and display of the points so you can drive your route with a GPS unit and view the route in AutoCAD as you go.