Giới Thiệu · Factual
Factual is a platform where anyone can share and mash open data on any subject. For example, you might find a directory of California restaurants, a database of endocrinologists, or a list of American Idol finalists. We provide smart tools to help the community build and maintain a trusted source of structured data. And this data can be used through widgets and APIs to help application developers and content publishers be more innovative and productive.
Factual was founded to provide open access to better structured data. And that means developers can build more innovative apps, publishers can access high-quality content, and ultimately, everyone, can make better decisions. More specifically, we offer: an open data repository--we think a good route to low or zero cost and high quality data is the open data model. By making data open to access (read) so that developers can create valuable new applications , and by making the data open for opinion, comment, and debate (write), we hope to catalyze support for certain data verticals; collaborative tools-we help communities collaborate real-time on open data projects, whether by manually adding a single value or uploading an entire dataset; data accountability--for each fact, we store user inputs, sources, citations--basically a fully documented (and computable) history; data sourcing and improvement--our methods include capturing existing non-proprietary data, user and community contributions, content partnerships, and sophisticated data improvement tools that algorithmically discover, mine, and merge data.