Giới Thiệu · Magento Daily Deal Extension
Magento Daily Deal extension helps you create & manage deals for your site in the most professional way. You can setup countdown timer for daily deal or for any time period you want. Users generally form opinions about websites based on the kind of products values. While it takes time and a lot of effort to build a reputation, it takes even more time to fruitfully sustain a reputation once it has been built. With a countdown, the extension integrates your Magento store with limited time deal functionality to motivate your customers to buy more.The utility of products coupled with the short-term nature of the available deal makes it especially attractive to customers. For a Magento site based business, it's easy to incorporate a daily deal extension and goes a long way in securing business for owners and investors. Magento Daily Deal Extension makes it very easy and intuitive to select products from the database and set the terms and conditions for daily deals. Along with sales boost, it also brings extremely effective word of mouth publicity. Also, customers can't help checking your site every day. Particularly, they can share the deals in their social networks including Facebook or Twitter and help your Magento store more and more popular.