Giới Thiệu · Virtuemart Product Zoom Images
Virtuemart Product Zoom Image plugin gives shopper an ability to magnify an image to have a more detailed view of the product. Joomla Virtuemart Zoom Plugin has recently been developed, to help visitors zoom in or zoom out products' images in details, being applied to main images and image thumbnails. The Virtuemart zoom plugin is used when hover the mouse over main images or image thumbnails, coming in two main zoom shapes: circle or square. The plugin zooms - in the product image's details, and opens it up or zoom it out. The thumbnails slider can auto play with speed specified.The plugin has a number of custom options to change ways that the plugin works in the frontend such as specifying the main image width and height, using the zoom icon or not. There are three types of zoom shapes: lens, window or inner. It's easy to change the width and the height of the zoom window, the zoom's border size, the zoom's border color. There are options to change the slider: width, height, thumbnail width, thumbnail height, slide duration. The auto slider play can be chosen yes or no. Number line is added to the slider.