Giới Thiệu · D20111-004-001.exe
This package supports the following driver models:
- Bluetooth Hands-free Audio
- Bluetooth Stereo Audio
- Bluetooth AVDT Driver
- Bluetooth Headset
- Bluetooth Hands-free
- Bluetooth Headset AG
- Bluetooth Hands-free AG
- Bluetooth AV
- Bluetooth AV Source
- Bluetooth Remote Control
- Bluetooth FTP
- Bluetooth OPP
- Bluetooth SYNC
- Bluetooth LAN Access over PPP
- Bluetooth AV Remote Control Target
- Bluetooth Imaging Responder
- Bluetooth FAX
- Bluetooth SyncML
- Bluetooth BPP Direct
- Bluetooth BPP Basic
- Bluetooth BPP Status
- Bluetooth Phone Boook Access
- HP Bluetooth Module
- HP Bluetooth Dongle
- IBM Integrated Bluetooth IV
- High� Performance� Bluetooth 1.2 USB� dongle
- Broadcom Bluetooth 2.0+EDR USB dongle
- Broadcom Bluetooth 2.0 EDR USB Dongle
- ThinkPad Bluetooth with Enhanced Data Rate
- Broadcom� Ultimate Low Cost Bluetooth 2.0+EDR USB� dongle
- Dell Wireless 355 Module with Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR Technology
- Dell Wireless 355C Bluetooth 2.0 + EDR module