Giới Thiệu · 3Com 3CRDAG675B Wireless LAN PCI Adapter
3Com 3CRDAG675B Wireless LAN PCI Adapter:- The 3Com Wireless 11a/b/g PCI Adapter supports all three existing IEEE 802.11 networking standards�??�?�¢??11a, 11b, and 11g�??�?�¢??so users can connect to any Wi-Fi wireless network.
- This all-in-one support enhances the flexibility of the wireless LAN by preserving existing equipment investment and enabling administrators to mix and match radio bands to meet different coverage and bandwidth needs within the same area. Desktop users can access network resources, the Internet, and email at speeds up to 54 Mbps or 108 Mbps in turbo mode, ideal for multimedia applications. And Wi-Fi certification helps ensure interoperability with Wi-FI-certified products from other vendors.