Giới Thiệu · Genesis-41
- HP-41CX pocket calculator with all its functions, modes and features
- Multi bank memory management, X-Functions and the Timer module
- Overlays support including an overlay editor allowing the creation of customized key labels
- HP-IL mass storage emulation with raw LIF files import/export capability
- Mass storage device includes a real-time LIF directory display and a media manager user interface
- LIF directories automatic display whenever a LIF disk is imported or created, including non 41C files
- Mass storage controller user interface for data records visualizing and patching
- Thermal printer 82143A emulation with the feature of running an unlimited number of printer instances
- Thermal printer printouts can be saved as PDF files
- Card Reader 82104A emulation including easy cards management for user data loading and saving
- Wand support, binary code can be entered directly into the calculator
- Full RAM image snapshots loading and saving via the emulator
- RAM snapshots browser user interface for quick load/save of multiple calculator's RAM dumps
- RAM layout manager for loading and saving RAW user code files into/from the calculator
- Full support for Synthetic Programming
- ROM management interface allowing the setup and re-loading of easily and quickly accessible ROM layouts
- ROM modules loading and saving
- Full support for all standard modules such as Finance, Real Estate, Math, Advantage, etc.
- Full support of custom modules
- Live or off-line microcode disassembly with all peripherals mnemonics support as well as FAT disassembly
- Microcode live assembler/monitor for easy and quick ROM patching as well programming directly with Saturn mnemonics
- Microcode live assistant for quick assembler program writing
- Mac to Calculator keyboard customization capability for easy typing without using the mouse
- Optional scrollable extended display with up to 7 additional levels and an unlimited scrollable buffer capacity
- Stack registers extended display for a clean overview of stack movements including the X, Y, Z, T, L numeric registers
- Easy copy/paste numbers between any applications and the calculator, including the alpha display
- Numeric values can be copy/pasted in decimal as well as on hexadecimal directly from/into any stack level