Giới Thiệu · Baby Safe
From the developer: "Baby Safe provides a safe, interactive environment for your baby to play with the computer, while at the same time preventing your baby from causing chaos on your computer. Most screen savers ask for your password once you move the mouse or touch a key, which is not fun when you have a baby eager to play with the computer. With Baby Safe your toddler can have some fun and learn the numbers and the alphabet while your work is protected. Once a special word such as byebye, quit, adios or exit is typed, the screen saver can exit. You may need to use your password to get back to the computer as it was before the screen saver was activated."Baby Safe is Shareware, it costs 10 U.S. dollars after a 5 day trial period. Features: Teaches the numbers and the alphabet with spoken words as the toddler presses keys. Displays pictures of flowers and animals at random or when the space key is pressed. Displays geometric shapes at random and when the mouse is clicked. Can play musical notes. Protects your work while your baby can play safely. Requires a special word such as byebye, quit, or exit to exit baby safe mode. Free updates for registered users! Software requirements."