Giới Thiệu · Track Daily Deal
Track Daily Deal aggregates daily deals from hundreds of sites. The result is tens of thousands of deals being tracked every month. This includes online deals from one sale a day sites, group buying sites and large e-commerce sites that offer daily deals--sites like 1 Sale A Day, Amazon, Best Buy, Ebay, HSN, Newegg, Walmart, Whiskey Militia, Woot etc. As well as Local deals and national deals from sites like Groupon, Kgbdeals, Livingsocial and many more. People can browse deals by category, zip code, state or metro area. Online deals by default are sorted by newest first and local deals are sorted by expiration date or nearest--depends on how the deals are being browsed. The app features a sort menu which can be used to re-sort the results by 3 other fields. A search engine is available as well. A customization option has been added for online deals. This gives users complete control over which sites they track. Local deal e-mail alerts are also available. The schedules are flexible and give users complete control over the number of deals per e-mail, location and status of the alerts.
Full Specifications · Google Chrome Zing MP3
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