Giới Thiệu · Invisibility Toggler
What is it?
Invisibility Toggler enables you to view invisible files in the Mac OS X Finder.
How does it work?
The first time you run it, all invisible files will become visible. The next time you run it, invisible files will be hidden again.
Why not use another program that already does this?
The short answer is that Invisibility Toggler is fast, well-developed, remarkably easy to use, doesn't ask you for confirmation each time you run it, comes with complete source code which you can modify for your private use, and the author doesn't demand that you to pay anything to use it (although a small donation is suggested).
Invisibility Toggler is not the only program that enables the Mac OS X Finder to display invisible files and folders. As a matter of fact, you don't even need a special program to do it, as long as you're not afraid to tinker with the Terminal. The author created Invisibility Toggler specifically because other free programs don't change the visibility setting automatically; they prompt the user first, forcing you to click on a button when all you really want is quick results. If you want to be prompted before the setting is changed, you can either use someone else's program, or if you feel comfortable editing AppleScript code, you can modify the included source code to suit your needs (refer to the "Source Code License" section of the Read Me). If you want a really fast, simple way to show or hide all invisible files in the Finder, Invisibility Toggler may be just what you're looking for. You can drag it into the Dock or wherever else you might prefer for easy access.
How much does it cost?
Invisibility Toggler is free for all users, but donations are welcomed; the author has put many hours into the development of this software. See the Read Me for details on how to make a donation.